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Writer's pictureTonya Jones

A Quick Meditation

We are living in world that does not let us take time to breath and relax. We are trained to always be in a fight or flight mindset at all times. This is not how we are meant to be. Being in the fight or flight mode is very stressful and can lead to illness, including cancer.

We all say I just do not have time. I have said it myself over and over. There is 24 hours in each day and we seem to have hours to be on our phones or watching TV but never time to take care of ourselves. If you do not take care of yourself, who will? The answer is no one.

For more and more people they are adding meditation to their self-care regiment. Remember never set yourself up for failure when you first start meditating. Start off with short sessions, as short as 5 minutes, working up to longer sessions. If you expect to start with an hour session right out of the gate you have already put yourself in a position you are more than likely not going to be able to live up too.

Here is a quick meditation you can make as short or as long as you want. First make sure you are in a place that is comfortable, safe and you will not be interrupted. Set a timer for how long you would like to meditate. Get into a comfortable position either sitting or laying. When you are ready to start close your eyes and focus on each breath. Feel the air come in your nose and slowly out the nose and count after each exhale starting with 1 up to 5.


Breath in, out, count 1.

Breath in, out, count 2.

Breath in, out, count 3.

Breath in, out, count 4.

Breath in, out, count 5.

Breath in, out, count 1.

Breath in, out, count 2.

Continue on with breathing and counting until your timer goes off. Your mind will wonder just bring it back to the breath each time you start wondering off. Do not be upset if you loss count or keep counting and not returning to 1 after 5.

At the end you your session take notes. What did you see, hear or feel during this time. Where you able to keep the 1-5 count going or did you find yourself at 7 or 9 before you restarted at 1?

As always spread love and light to all and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a blessed day.

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