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Writer's pictureTonya Jones


There are many misconceptions about smudging. One of those is you have to use white sage. This could not be further from the truth. There are so many different things you can use to get rid of the negative energy that attaches to us and our surroundings.

Using the smoke from white sage is one of my favorite ways to smudge but it can be just a starting point.

Palo Santo has a sweet smelling smoke. When I need grounding and reconnecting to nature I like to use cedar. All of these use smoke to cleanse the negative energy.

Here are some options that do not use smoke prayer, sound and sprays are also a few other options when cleansing. So many people have allergies when it comes to smoke so it is always wonderful to have different options. Many people are not able to use smoke in there home because they rent, allergies or pets.

Smudging or cleansing can look very different with different faiths as well. The main thing to remember when you are clearing a space of negative energy is putting out positive energy as you go. The darkness has no place to hid in the light. Yes the other modalities help in the act but you are the main source of the act. If you are unsure or in a dark place at the time the result may not be what you are hoping for. Ground yourself or do a meditation to make sure you are in the head space you need to be in order to rid your space of the negative energy.

An example of a room smudging: Leave the windows closed, open all the doors and drawers. Start at the farthest point from the door and work your way around the room. If using smoke making sure the smoke gets into the dark corners. If using prayer see your light or words going into those dark corners. pushing all the negative out the door.

Again if you have someone telling you it has to be done using x, y and z please reach out to others and stop being dictated too. We have been taught for so long not to question those who we consider leaders of faith, but without the questioning how can you grows as an individual. Follow your inner voice and you will be on the path that is meant for you and no one else. Have a blessed day and spread love and light to all.

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